I am excited and saddened at the same time. I miss my friends in Washington. I will be leaving a piece of my heart here in Arkansas. My sister, Kelly. She is my best friend and scrapping buddy. I have introduced her to some of my favorite scrappy places and hope that we can continue our hobby together, even though we will be 2200 miles apart. I LOVE THE INTERNET.
She has a affectionately nick named me the "Scrapbook Nazi," as I won't let her do a layout without putting my 2 cents in. I'm gonna miss that. I know that she can produce some amazing stuff. Maybe I do over shadow her. It's time for to be on her own and see what she can do! My guess is that she'll be published before me.
Of course I can't just leave without having some control over her layouts. So I have come up with a gift thanks to one of my fellow board members at Babycenter.com . I can't reveal it right now in case she peeks in here! But it will be posted soon!
Me and my sis........

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