November 14, 2007

What's in a Title?

For me the main purpose of a title is to set the mood of a layout. A title can be anything from a child's name to a song title to a quote. Finding that perfect title is always a quest for me. I am always on the lookout. I always have my scrapbooks at the top of my mind. So when I come across something, I immediately write it down.

There are some great websites out there to find titles. Two Peas in a Bucket,, and many others. But don't limit yourself to something that others have used a million times. Sometimes a layout just screams for something original. A play on words. The lyrics to that perfect song. That quote that just sent chills just racing through you.

This happened to me today as I was reading about the Sexiest Man Alive on I was reading about past winners and came across a quote from Johnny Depp. "Suddenly you meet your reason to live." I just got chills again as I write this. There is so much to be said in those few words. I just had to use it. So I came home, and started the hunt for the photos to go with the title. I found them.

Here is what I came up with!

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